Construction update – rock armouring

Hello and welcome to Construction Update 2! We’re excited to share the progress made over the past few weeks here at the Aberdeen Ballarat including a lot of work in the wetlands.

Our contractor has successfully completed the bulk earthworks within the wetland area. We’ve also started installing the rock armouring around the perimeter of the wetland. This locally sourced rock helps stabilise the banks, and over time, the spaces between the rocks will be filled with soil. This will promote plant growth, which plays a key role in filtering and cleaning the water.

As we move into the coming weeks, leading into the Christmas period, our team will be focused on building the drainage system. This includes the installation of Gross Pollutant Traps (GPTs). Additionally, our contractor, Madica, continues their work along Masada Boulevard, installing the sewer infrastructure that will service the estate.

Looking ahead to the new year, we are preparing to begin works on the main entrance to the estate, which will involve increased activity on the Glenelg Highway, along with enhanced traffic management to ensure a smooth flow during construction.

We’ve got some exciting developments ahead as we continue to progress, and we’ll keep you updated every step of the way!

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